General Surgery
My medical practice in Madera, CA treats a wide array of conditions. Below are some general surgery procedures that I perform on a regular basis. If you are unsure of what condition you might have or what is the best treatment option, please contact us to discuss it further.
Breast Surgery
- Breast Abscess Drainage
- Breast Biopsy (Excision and Needle Aspiration)
- Axillary dissection
- Sentinel Node Biopsy
- Mastectomy (Partial, lumpectomy)
Gastro and Gallbladder
- Cholecystectomy
- Cholangiogram
- Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Gallbladder Removal (cholesystectomy)
- Gastroenterostomy
- Gastrostomy
- Gastrostomy Percutaneous Endoscopic
- Stomach Cancer Surgery
- Peptic Ulcer Surgery
- Vagotomy
Colon and Intestines
- Adhesions, separate – adhesiolysis
- Colon- Removal; Colonoscopy
- Colostomy (and closure)
- Sigmoidoscopy With Biopsy
- Sigmoid Colon Removal
- Ileostomy
- Appendectomy -Laparoscopic Appendicectomy
- Intestines -Small Bowel Resection
- Anterior Resection Of Rectum
- Hemorrhoid Banding
- Hemorroidectomy
- Pilonidal Cyst Removal
- Anal Fissure and Repair
- Excision Of Anal Skin Tag
- Pilonidal Abscess- Including Drainage
- Hernia Repair (Incisional, Femoral, Hiatal, Inguinal, Umbilical)
- Hickman / Portacath
- Testicle Removal – Orchidectomy – High Ligation
- Circumcision
- Vasectomy
- Varicocele Removal
- Vasicovaginal Fistula Repair
Don’t hesitate to call or fill out an online form to contact general surgeon Dr. Rame Iberdemaj. Also, view our other pages about Dr. Iberdemaj and his specialties including vascular surgery, thoracic surgery, general surgery, and cosmetic surgery.